Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day 1

Welcome to the first official day of National Novel Writing Month. 

Things I learned in the last couple of days:

1. 5 hours of sleep a night is not sufficient for me not to feel like I'm dying the next day.
2. 6 hours of sleep a night is a little better but not much.

Hmm, maybe I'm a pansy when it comes to sleep or maybe I need more caffeine. But we're going to have to play around with scheduling to see if I can get more around 7-8 hours a night. That's wasted time, in my opinion. Sleep is a wasteful experience but it is vital for my, you know, not dying or going crazy. 

My word count as of right now is a big ZERO. I haven't gotten anything done in the way of NaNoWriMo. I was going to hit up the local kick-off party but ended up having to work from home until around 10:00pm or so and, by then, was so tired I figured I'd be a hazard on the road if I were to go to the kick-off party. 

Today consists of around 10 hours of work between the various jobs. Plus fitting in around 2 hours of writing, which is about how much I'm going to need to do per day in order to reach my goal of 75k words. It breaks down to just about 2500 words a day, which I can feasibly do in about 2 hours with a few derp moments thrown in where I get bored or distracted and mindlessly surf YouTube for a few minutes. 

YouTube, the bane of my existence. I could get lost in there! I should probably find a book on improving concentration... 

Anyway, good luck to any other NaNoWriMo's out there! And hopefully by tomorrow morning I'll have a good solid word count to show for my efforts!

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