Wednesday, October 16, 2013

It's That Time of Year Again

National Novel Writing Month is here! Well, almost here. We've got another scant 15 days to go before the craziness begins. I'm still trying to decide exactly what I want to write this year. I might go with what I did the first year, which was pretty successful: just wing it.

Sometimes the most successful writing, at least for me, comes from just winging it and not really worrying about what the end result is. The first time I tried this I got a relatively good novel out of it. Then, once NaNoWriMo was done, I just had to go ahead and add a bit, do some editing, and it was decent. Doing NaNoWriMo that way really gives me flexibility to just go wherever I want to go with the content. It's kind of nice knowing that I can go wherever I want in the plot. Outlining has never been my thing. 

To be honest, I have tried to outline before but I've never been very successful with it. There's something about really flushing out the idea beforehand that makes things rather complicated. I like the idea of discovering things as I work, not just following a strict guideline.

Overall, I'm excited to get started with NaNoWriMo even though I know it's going to be stressful. Working both jobs and getting this done is going to be interesting. Sure, I write every day but there's something specifically stressful about doing this competition. It's a fun sort of stress though. I think it's being up against so many deadlines and trying to complete it all in 30 days. But the end result can be truly spectacular.

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