Monday, September 24, 2012

Oh Mondays

Honestly, Mondays don't irk me that much. Mondays are easy days for me.

I got a decent amount of writing done over the weekend and spent some time revisiting some old writing I have done in an attempt to convert an old-style RPT (Role-Playing Thread) into an actual story! Right now it's a bunch of posts thrown together in a Word document.

It takes me back to the good ol' days. The good ol' days being 2001-ish.

Anyway... I've got some big decisions on the horizon regarding my time scheduling (or my lack of the ability to do so). Basically, my inability to get anything done on weekends next to sleep until late afternoon and laze around. So much for the 5:00am wakeups every day huh? Yeah, this needs to be rethought!

Friday, September 21, 2012


I'm sitting here finishing up my last hour of work while listening to WoW music videos (sad). One of the things I miss since I'm busy as hell. Well, not WoW specifically, but MMO's in general. I'll be happy to get back to WoW and SW:TOR. Yes, I'm one of those people.

Anyway, I'm hoping to get a good deal of writing (and studying) done this weekend since I have no work on the horizon. 

The goal this weekend: to finish mapping out this FINAL fanfiction for the Mass Effect series I'm working on.

This is my last idea. I promise. 

But I can't help writing it when I have vivid dreams about how it could start/continue/end. That's my brain telling me "let this idea OUT!"

And when that happens, I must write it. 

I'm one of those people that I write down all ideas that come to my brain. Then if I keep dithering over one idea for a couple days in a row, I know I need to get that idea done and completed (or at least outlined) ASAP before the thoughts leave my brain and go to wherever thoughts go. Once they leave, they  usually don't come back sadly. 

So I'm outlining madly with this idea while it's still percolating in my brain. Because I know it'll be leaving soon. Which is a sad sad thing.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Crazy Day...

My's busy. I don't know how it happened. 

Okay, that's a lie. I know how it happened.

Anyway, I got a little bit of writing done today. Actually, I'm working on plotting out a story right now while I'm working on other stuff. I don't know how I feel about multi-tasking sometimes, but it's nice to be able to get some work done while working. Ha!

Plus it makes my work go by a lot faster. Though I have found I can work, write, and have the TV going. But I cannot work, write, and listen to music. I don't know why I can listen to TV and not music and stay focused but that's how it is.

It also helps that writing keeps me awake, and after a late night last night and an early morning today, I'll take whatever I can to keep me awake!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Another Morning

It is another morning here in lovely New Mexico! It's starting to get cold in this state. I'm not liking it!

I started my new position yesterday and boy am I glad to be back. But boy do I realize how much time I'm NOT going to have working three jobs with the current schedule. I'm reconsidering the remaining on-board on all three jobs. One of the jobs I have isn't necessary for me to keep. I've been at the location for a couple of years and things are just... deteriorating. I think that's the polite way to say it.

Plus I had another opportunity come up yesterday evening that fits my schedule much better and allows me to have a couple of days off a week without working outside of the house. Which would be awesome! Granted, it means I'd have to work six hours on Saturday, but honestly, I'm ok with that. I'm not one of those people that needs my weekends completely free. Plus it would force me to get up earlier on Saturdays, which is a big problem for me. 

Anyway... My "get up at 5:00am" dealio is failing miserably. Granted, I'm getting up at 6:30am or so which is nothing to sneeze at considering my track record of not getting up before 9:00am if I don't need to. It's nice getting up a little earlier but I still want to get up even sooner! The more time I have in the morning, the better things will be. 

Oh, and I really need to start getting to the gym. I've got a photo session coming up in December and I need to be ready for it!

Monday, September 17, 2012

5:00AM 21-Day Challenge

Good (early) morning!

As of today I am starting a 21-day challenge to make it a habit to get up at the crack of dawn (AKA 5:00AM MST). I've been up now for about two hours and have been relatively productive. I've taken a shower, fed the pets, gotten some writing done, checked email, and caught up on news.

I'm heading out to my first day at a new(ish) job in about 20 minutes, then I'll be home to work online for four hours. Then I'll probably be crashing. 

Busy days are busy.

I'll keep you updated to see how long I can go getting up at 5:00AM. I'm hoping that getting up earlier will help with my writing, as I'm trying to get it done first thing in the morning. For me, it's also a self-mastery thing. If I can force myself to get up at 5:00AM every day of the week, I'm getting up earlier than most of the US population. Huzzah for me! I'm one of those strange individuals who likes the challenge and the personal satisfaction of doing something most people don't do... Sad huh?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Later Than Expected

Good afternoon. This post is coming a little later than expected (or what I hoped for). Weekends are my days to sleep in and I slept in until (gulp) 1:00PM before I finally got up. Though I did just get done with a 90-minute writing blast. So, I suppose that counts for something. After all, I need some time to sleep with working three jobs during the week.

For now, I'm working on finishing up a few fanfictions that I've got going on. I know, fanfictions aren't nearly as creatively intensive as, say, original work. But, it at least has me writing which is part of the point. And at this point, I'll take anything that keeps me writing. Plus, if I don't get these done, I don't think I'll be able to concentrate on original work. 

A lot of writer's have varying ideas on fanfiction. I've heard some creators of worlds totally dislike fanfiction and see it as vulgar. While some creators of worlds love the fact that people love their work so much that they want to disappear into it.

In my opinion, not that I'm a creator of worlds, but I think writing of any kind is a good thing. If it takes creating characters and putting them into an existing world to get your writing going, it's not particularly a bad thing. Now, saying that, I think there's a problem if you're writing nothing BUT fanfiction. Luckily, for me, I've got as many fanfictions going as original pieces. My problem is following through and completing anything. The only original piece I've finished is the 50k word novella I wrote for NaNoWriMo 2011. And I haven't completed a fanfiction to date.

I'm working on it! No one said writing would be easy!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Good morning, World!

I am coming to you this morning (early this morning, at least for me) from 7:50AM MST. This is a change for me considering I usually drag myself out of bed sometime between the hours of 9:00AM and 2:00PM. Which is counterproductive to my goals and aspirations.

Everything I have ever read anywhere says that writers should get up first thing in the morning and write. Most writers I have read about say that early in the morning, when the world is new and waking up, is the best time in the world to get up and write. 

And the inner night owl in my cried piteously about that...

I have, however, vowed to start using this tool to help up my productivity with writing. What has forced this sudden decision? My work/writing schedule is severely out of whack. My work days are spread over three separate jobs (for the time being) consisting of about fifty hours of work, plus, give or take, 2-3 hours of commuting. One of those jobs, I'm happy to say, is a work from home position (20 hours). The other two (10 hours and 20 hours) are out of the home. On top of that, I am also studying about 35 hours a week for an online course in medical transcription in hopes of being able to transition completely to in-home work.

In an attempt to get more writing done, I've started this blog and vowed to get up, early in the morning, and get my writing done first thing! Then it's out of the way and I don't have to worry about not getting it done. I'm also hoping that writing first thing in the morning will spark some ideas and get the ball rolling on my goal of being published before I'm too old!

So, in an attempt to be (somewhat) accountable, I've created this blog. Each morning, I will get up and write and I will blog for a short time about what I did, where the writing session went, and little tidbits of information/inspiration I find along the way.

So, to all you writers out there who are looking for someone to commiserate with regarding your writer's life or if you just want to follow to watch me attempt this endeavor, feel free! Feel free to send messages, post comments, whatever tickles your fancy. And I'll be sure to reply in the time I have not spent working, studying, and trying to live.

-Ziona Rhea Andreas